Friday, April 18, 2008

2008 Video Mashup Winners!

Congratulations to Emilie Froh, Vince Levy, and Andy Cao for their respective 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place wins in this years Video Mashup Contest. (Right now the page only has the winning videos up, but I'll get the videos from the other contestants up soon.) Emily won a brand-new Video Camera, and both Vince and Andy won an iPod shuffle.

We also had a guest speaker. Leah Kauffman is the singer and songwriter behind the massive YouTube video hit "I got a Crush on Obama" which now lists over 7.5 million downloads. She is the singer and songwriter for the "My Box in a Box" video which now lists over 3.7 million downloads on YouTube. (Personally I like the Ann Coulter one better.)

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